A while back I started scanning/photocopying, printing, and cutting and pasting a compilation of editorial annotations to the text of PP Part 1. (It turns out that the term 'variorum' is given to a compilation of versions of a text, including versions of editorial treatments like annotations)
I thought it would be useful in a class seminar on the text to have previous authorities at my fingertips - albeit cumbersomely given the size of the undertaking - I'm using A2 size paper. I have on my left hand 'verso' page a collation of devout or pious religiously oriented notes - e.g. Newton, Mason, Burder, Scott, Ivimey, Offor, MacGuire, Inglis, Wiersbe, Lovik, Horner. Alongside these notes, the facing right hand page has the text of PP from Pooley's Penguin 2008 edition, and scholarly annotation of a literary, educational and scholarly variety: e.g. Vaughan, Moffatt, Brown, Harrison, Sharrock, Keeble, Owens, Pooley, Wall.

RIGHT, with PP text.
This work has turned out to be very helpful in working on the annotations for a new edition of Pilgrim's Progress (more on that at another point). It's also leading to a writing project to showcase the value of gathering this range of commentary on the text together.
The photos below show the now scanned pages of annotations from Christian and Faithful's encounter with Talkative on the left. The first shows the pages entire, and the second shows a zooming in for the purpose of transcription - going on in the right hand document.

I'm also drawing from stand alone publications of lectures, sermons, and study guides from the likes of Cheever, Overton, Spurgeon, Kelman, and more contemporary voices of Bradley, Ryken, Thomas, Staley, Mack, Ford, Freeman, and Dongwon Lee.
It's a work in progress, but enjoyable. The main goal is to examine how commentary changes over time, and how the orientation of publication to different audiences determines the style, content, and inclusions and exclusions of annotators/ editors.
If you know of published voices that need inclusion get in touch and let me know.